Friday, September 15, 2006

Because I Really Need This Right Now

So its not enough that Monkey Boy has one arm for the foreseeable future and I am Minister For Everything. I also have to go and get myself one of these.

Right knee.

Fuckin fuckitty fuck.


  1. Anonymous10:05 am

    You have to have the arthroscopic surgery? (Not just an MRI to see if you have a tear?)

    So we will have a one armed monkey and a one legged panda taking care of the spud?

    Oh my! At least together the two of you equal one whole being. ;) Probably a big funny looking though, a half monkey have panda....

  2. Anonymous10:06 am

    Okay the typos are DEPLORABLE!

    Should be "Probably a bit funny looking, though, a half monkey and a half panda...

  3. The mister has this same tear and never got surgery. It hurts him sometimes but he figured out what irritates it and tries to steer clear.

    Sorry this has come up. Rats. *hugs*

  4. Oh, that fucking SUCKS!!!

    I'm sorry...

  5. Oh, that fucking SUCKS!!!

    I'm sorry...

  6. My husband had the miniscus surgery. He regrets it. The knee has never been right since. Make sure the surgeon you get (if you go that route) is a GOOD one.

    Also, thanks for the b-day e-mail! Sorry blogger is being such a butt. I had to create a non-beta identity to comment on non-beta blogs and I think the reverse is also the case right now. I wish I hadn't agreed to be their ho.


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