Friday, July 08, 2005

Well I'll be googled

I'm impressed. I've had my first hit from a bizarre google search. It appears that if you google "twing near ovary pregnancy" you get me.

Is this a sign? An omen? I have a very very large twing near ovary right now.

Does Dr Google know something I dont?


  1. I had one for 'pictures of male strippers at my bachelor party.' I couldn't figure out why my site came up, and then I remembered my account of the Irish hen party I'd witnessed on my honeymoon.

    Sorry, no pictures. There were no male strippers, either.

  2. I mean, bachelorette party. Only in a few countries now do you have male strippers at bachelor parties.

  3. Anonymous1:34 am

    Yes Lorem Ipsum... here in Canada... there ARE male strippers at bachelor parties... Also in the Netherlands... and Spain!



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