There will be a test at the end.
AF - Aunt Flo ( period)
BD - BabyDancing (sex)
BT - blood test
CD - Cycle Day
CM - cervical mucus
DH - Darling Husband
DPO - days past ovulation
ENDO - endometriosis
ESN - every second night (frequency of having to do the do...)
EWCM - egg white cervical mucus
FMU - first morning urine
HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin - (the stuff that rises in your blood when you're pregnant.)
HPT - home pregnancy test
ICSI - Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IVF - In vitro Fertilisation
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
LAP - laparoscopy
LP - Luteal Phase (phase between ovulation and menstruation, usually 14 days)
M/C - miscarriage
O - ovulation
OPK - ovulation predictor kit
POAS - pee on a stick ( doing a home pregnancy test)
PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PG - up the duff, bun in the oven, pregnant
SA - semen analysis
TMI - too much information
TTC - Trying to conceive
TWW - two week wait (between ovulation and when period is due)
U/S - ultrasound
Oh, yes... these lovely acronyms. I have decided that I will happily use the ones that make my life easier... as in... much less typing, eg. Trying To Conceive (Although that particular example is rather a moot point given my diagnosis as INFERTILE. It's ok... I'm not bitter.) BUT, I patently REFUSE to use any cutsey-poo terms such as 'baby dust' (PUKE), 'baby glue' (ACK!), or even BD... hell... if you can take that one extra key stroke to say SEX... why bother.